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Current Best Route

Quest stages are indicated in parentheses at the end of each step when they are updated. Keep in mind that these optimized steps are within the context of the 100% speedrun route, meaning that certain items and setups are sometimes assumed to have already been performed prior to the start of the quest.

  1. Talk to NPC:
    • ↳ speech option that sets stage (10)
  2. Perform action. (✔ 100)


Currently there are no known bugs associated with this quest that affect the 100% route.

Route Logic Considerations

There are no significant route logic considerations for this quest.

Script Analysis

No script analysis has been done for this quest.

Quest Stages

Whodunit? (Dark08Whodunit)
Stage Finish setstage Scripts Journal Entry
10 I must go to Summitmist Manor in Skingrad, meet with the other guests, and pretend I too have been invited by a mysterious, unknown host. I must then kill all the other guests. I should start my mission by speaking with the doorman, just outside the manor.
15 I have spoken with Fafnir, the doorman, who appears to be a fellow member of the Dark Brotherhood. He has provided me with the key to Summitmist Manor, which I am to use only after all the guests lie dead. I should now proceed inside and meet the other guests.
20 I have arrived at Summitmist Manor. I must now kill the unlucky guests -- Matilde, Dovesi, Primo, Neville and Nels. If I can eliminate each guest secretly, without any witnesses, I will receive my reward and a very valuable reward. If I am discovered, the contract will be complete, but any bonus will be forfeit.
30 All of the guests are dead, and no one knew I was the killer. I must now return to the Sanctuary and speak with Ocheeva to receive my reward and bonus.
35 I have been detected! I must now complete the contract by killing everyone in Summitmist Manor, but my bonus will be forfeit.
40 All of the guests have been killed, but someone discovered I was the assassin. I must now return to the Sanctuary and speak with Ocheeva to finish out the contract. Unfortunately, I will receive no bonus.
50 I have spoken with Ocheeva and received a special reward, the Night Mother's Blessing. I now have permanent increases to my Sneak, Blade, Security, Acrobatics and Marksman skills.
100 I have completed the Summitmist Manor contract.