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You have to reach the stage 100 in order to activate a script that enables the save file to simulate actions in game while advancing time, either waiting or sleeping.
* You have to reach the stage 100 in order to activate a script that enables the save file to simulate actions in game while advancing time, either waiting or sleeping.

==Route Logic Considerations==
==Route Logic Considerations==
There are no significant route logic considerations for this quest.


Revision as of 03:41, 4 June 2022

Current Best Route

Quest stages are indicated in parentheses at the end of each step when they are updated. Keep in mind that these optimized steps are within the context of the 100% speedrun route, meaning that certain items and setups are sometimes assumed to have already been performed prior to the start of the quest.

  1. Click continue on the quest pop-up to start the run. (10)
  2. Continue until you reach the door to Natural Caverns. (76)
  3. Load Warp through the door to immediately reach the end of the next zone. (80)
  4. Use your hotkey to equip Flare again. Fall down and use Flare to kill the Mythic Dawn Agent up on the SW ledge.
  5. Head SE and punch the Emperor six times to make them chase you. Run back to the door in the main area and yield when Glenroy is close enough to you.
  6. Kill the Mythic Dawn Agent when the door opens, then wait for the next door to open and kill the other Mythic Dawn Agents that appear.
  7. Run up to the Emperor and wait for him to talk to you.
    • ↳ (Advance predetermined dialogue)
  8. Select The Steed as your birthsign.
    • ↳ (Advance all predetermined dialogue)
  9. Talk to Baurus, who will give you a torch.
  10. Use your hotkey to equip Flare again. Hit the Emperor once to get them to chase you, then run ahead and kill any Mythic Dawn Agents on your way. Yield to the Emperor when you are by the door to the next area (Make sure Baurus spawns in the next area when you go through the door. If he doesn’t you may need to go back through the door and enter the zone again).
  11. In the next area, hug the right wall and jump to the ledge across the gap. Save Clip facing west through the door.
  12. Flare the Mythic Dawn Agent.
  13. Head back and go through the Iron Gate and talk to Baurus.
    • ↳ (Advance all predetermined dialogue) (✔ 84)
  14. Load Warp through the grate.
  15. Look ESE and slightly down, then swim forward until you Void Warp in front of the final sewer grate and exit. (✔ 100)


  • You have to reach the stage 100 in order to activate a script that enables the save file to simulate actions in game while advancing time, either waiting or sleeping.

Route Logic Considerations

Script Analysis

No script analysis has been done for this quest.

Quest Stages

Tutorial (MQ01)
Stage Finish setstage Scripts Journal Entry
10 To move forward, &sUActnForward;, &sUActnBack; to move back. To move left, &sUActnSldleft;. To move right, &sUActnSldright;. The mouse turns you. To run, &sUActnRun;.
15 You need a weapon. Check Captain Renault's body. To open any container, approach it and &sUActnActivate; when its name appears. (Only appears if you don't already have a weapon)
18 (When player loots one of the corpses in the initial ambush, trigger next tutorial)
20 To bring up your journal, &sUActnMenumode;. You can use this to view your character's attributes, equip armor and weapons, and choose spells.
22 Click on the fist icon at the bottom of the journal to bring up the inventory tab. From here, you can equip armor and weapons by clicking on them.
24 (Secret wall is activated)
26 Click on an item to equip it. Click again to unequip it. Shift-click to drop an item.
28 To ready your weapon or fists, &sUActnRdyitem;. To attack, &sUActnUse;. To block, &sUActnBlock;.
34 Now practice casting spells. To cast your selected spell, &sUActnCast;. If you want to change spells, &sUActnMenumode; to bring up your journal again.
36 Click on the spell icon at the bottom of the journal to bring up the magic tab.
38 (Spell selection tutorial done. Trigger spellcasting tutorial)
42 (Trigger rats to push blocks)
50 Before you can use the bow, you'll need arrows. Check the skeleton to see what it contains.
52 Now that you have arrows, pick up the bow and practice using it.
54 To use a bow, you'll need to have both the bow and some arrows equipped. Go into your inventory and equip them now.
56 Now you're ready to practice with your bow. The bucket near the well will make a good target. To draw and aim, &sUActnUse;. Release it when you're ready to fire.
58 Nice shot! You can retrieve arrows from the world, as well as recovering some of the arrows you fire into enemies.
60 (Light vs. heavy armor)
62 (Light vs. heavy continued)
64 You have found a Mortar and Pestle. Equip it to create potions or poisons from ingredients with like effects. Your Alchemy skill will make your creations more powerful.
65 You have found a Repair Hammer. Equip it to repair your weapons and armor using your Armorer skill. Damaged weapons and armor are less effective, so it is wise to keep them in good repair.
70 If you have a lockpick, you can try to pick most locks. Move the pick upward into a tumbler. When the tumbler reaches the top of the lock, click the left mouse button to secure it in place. When all tumblers are at the top, the lock will open.
72 Your Health is low and you are close to death. Increase it by drinking potions, casting heal spells, or sleeping. The red bar at the bottom left displays your current Health.
73 Your Magicka is low and you may not be able to cast spells. Magicka returns slowly on its own, or you can increase it by drinking potions or sleeping. The blue bar at the bottom left displays your current Magicka.
74 Your Fatigue is low and you cannot do as much melee damage. Fatigue returns slowly on its own, especially while walking instead of running. The green bar at the bottom left displays your current Fatigue.
75 You have picked up more than you can carry. In order to move again, you'll need to drop some items, so &sUActnMenumode; to bring up your journal.
76 You can hotkey items and spells from your journal by holding down a number key and then clicking the item you want in that slot. Pressing this number while exploring will equip that item instantly.
78 Your current encumbrance exceeds the maximum you can carry (displayed in the lower left of the inventory page). Shift-click to drop items you don't need.
80 That goblin up ahead hasn't seen you yet. You may be able to sneak by him. To go into sneak mode, &sUActnCrouch;.
82 Notice that the crosshair changes to an 'eye' while you are sneaking. If the eye is dim, no one can detect you. If the eye is bright, someone can detect you.
84 You now must choose your class. The major skills of your class will start higher than your other skills. You will increase your level by raising these major skills.
90 The red arrow on your compass shows the direction of Weynon Priory. You can walk there by following your compass, or use your world map to travel there directly. Or you can set off in any direction and begin exploring the world on your own. Good luck!
92 To view your quest log, &sUActnMenumode; to bring up your journal.
94 Click on the compass at the bottom of the journal to bring up the quest and map tab.
96 This page displays all your active quests. Click on an active quest and hit the MAP button to display the world map showing your current quest target (if any). You can click on any icon on the map to travel directly to that location.
110 In each attempt to persuade, you must Admire, Boast, Joke, and Coerce. Each of these actions raises or lowers the NPC's disposition. Don't take too long, because the NPC's disposition is steadily falling.
120 As you highlight each possible action, the NPC's face shows his reaction to it. He will Love, Like, Dislike or Hate each action. His disposition goes up if you select a Loved or Liked action and goes down if you select a Disliked or Hated action.
130 The potential gain or loss for each action is based on your Speechcraft and how full the wedge is. Try to select fuller wedges when they are aligned with actions the NPC likes. Try to select less full wedges when they are aligned with actions he doesn't like.
140 All of your possessions have been confiscated by the guards. You will get them back when you have served your sentence. Activate the bed to begin serving your sentence.
150 Combine ingredients with like effects to create potions and poisons. Your Alchemy skill will make your creations more powerful. The more potions you create, the higher your alchemy skill will go. Use additional apparatuses to improve the strength of the potions you create.