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'''Quest Journal-Filled (''Compass Menu — Second farthest right tab''):'''
'''[[Oblivion:Quests#Journal-Filled|Quest Journal-Filled]] (''Compass Menu — Second farthest right tab''):'''
* Cast out of the Thieves Guild — ''“I have paid the fine and been readmitted…”''
* Cast out of the Thieves Guild — ''“I have paid the fine and been readmitted…”''
* Whispers of Death — ''In journal (No update possible)''
* Whispers of Death — ''In journal (No update possible)''

Revision as of 09:24, 16 February 2022


For information about previous versions of the requirements see the History of 100%.


The Oblivion 100% Completion Speedrun is defined by four main criteria that must all simultaneously be achieved by the end of the run:

  1. Reach the maximum value for all consistent, practically finite statistics in the Accomplishments Tab via their non-glitched sources.
    These can be viewed in the far right tab of the player info menu.
    1. The term finite clarifies that any stats that can be infinitely increased are excluded.
      • Example: Books Read can be increased by reading the same book over and over, so it is considered infinite.
    2. The term practically clarifies that maximum integer values do not make stats considered finite.
      • Example: Reading a book over and over to reach a multi-billion integer limit value for Books Read is not required.
    3. The term consistent clarifies that statistics that vary between character builds are excluded.
      • This specifically targets the “Training Sessions” stat (which is specifically higher for Female Orc when perfectly leveled) in addition to acting as justification for excluding non-glitched maximum level/attributes due to quest outcomes and Oghma Infinium path selection.
    4. The term non-glitched sources clarifies that the finite maximum values of stats are based on their maximum value within intended gameplay mechanics. Glitches that increment finite stats beyond their intended maximums may be used for other purposes, but the save file must be examined after the run to verify that all of the non-glitched sources for the stat were achieved in addition to any glitched values inadvertently gained.
      • Example: 198 Fame is the finite amount of Fame without glitches. Using load warping, you can infinitely grab a Sigil Stone, which infinitely awards 1 Fame each time in addition to giving you a Sigil Stone. If the player desires to use this glitch to acquire a large quantity of Sigil Stones, they are allowed to use this glitch to do so, but the glitched Fame that is acquired does not count towards the 198 Fame sources required for the route. The save file will need to be read to verify the run in this case.
  2. End the run as the highest rank of every possible permanent faction.
    These can be viewed in the fourth tab of the player info menu.
    1. The term permanent clarifies that factions you can only temporarily join are excluded from the requirements.
      • The impermanent factions are the Mythic Dawn and the Blackwood Company.
  3. Acquire all of the permanent, universal Greater Powers.
    These can be viewed in the far left tab of the magic menu.
    1. The term permanent clarifies that Greater Powers that you can lose are excluded.
      • Impermanent Greater Powers are from Birthsign Stones and Vampirism.
    2. The term universal clarifies that Greater Powers that only specific races/birthsigns can achieve are excluded.
      • The eight permanent universal Greater Powers are from the seven Heaven Stones in addition to Pilgrim’s Grace from the Pilgrimage of the Nine Divines.
  4. All quests that cannot be completed must have all of their journal entries progressed as far as possible without preventing other requirements from being completed.
    These can be viewed in the fourth tab of the quests menu.
    • These are referred to as Journal-Filled quests.
    • This includes reaching stage 40 of Cast out of the Thieves Guild, stage 60 of Expelled from the Fighters Guild, stage 100 of Arena, and starting Whispers of Death (stage 10), which only has one stage.
    • The only quest completely omitted from the run is Eternal Exile because it would prevent you from completing other requirements fully.

List of Requirements

Accomplishments Tab (Health Bar Menu — Rightmost tab):

  • Quests Completed: 208
  • Master Skills: 21
  • Fame: 198
  • Places Found: 367
  • Oblivion Gates Shut: 60
  • Horses Owned: 7
  • Houses Owned: 8
  • Stores Invested In: 94
  • Skill Books Read: 109
  • Artifacts Found: 15
  • Nirnroots Found: 306

Factions Tab (Health Bar Menu — Second farthest right tab):

  • Thieves Guild — Gray Fox
  • Dark Brotherhood — Listener
  • Blades — Knight Sister/Brother
  • Fighters Guild — Master
  • Mages Guild — Arch-Mage
  • Knights of the Thorn — Honorary Knight
  • Order of the Dragon — Champion of Cyrodiil
  • Arena — Grand Champion
  • Knights of the White Stallion — Knight-Errant
  • Order of the Virtuous Blood — Sister/Brother

Greater Power (Magic Menu — Top of Leftmost tab):

  • Dragon Dream
  • Gates of Aetherius
  • Jode’s Blood
  • Jone’s Shadow
  • Pilgrim’s Grace
  • Shield of Shezarr
  • Sithian Web
  • Skein of Magnus

Quest Journal-Filled (Compass Menu — Second farthest right tab):

  • Cast out of the Thieves Guild — “I have paid the fine and been readmitted…”
  • Whispers of Death — In journal (No update possible)
  • The Arena — “As Grand Champion of the Arena, I can fight in weekly matches against…”
  • Expelled from the Fighters Guild — “I have been reinstated into the Fighters Guild once again…”

Rules for Speedrunning

Some aspects of the rules are currently being reconsidered for v4. This is the official ruleset from Version 3 of the run.

Technical Rules

  1. Must be the vanilla game with no mods or DLC. Shivering Isles may need to be installed on the Steam version to work properly, but do not interact with the Strange Door and ignore the quest that appears for it.
  2. No macros or external software/tools are allowed. This includes software to rebind buttons to things that the game doesn't normally allow.
  3. FPS must be capped at 60 and the Ctrl+PrntScrn hotkey is not allowed. FPS capping is done by enabling V-Sync in the launcher. The game's speed is tied to the framerate, so capping the framerate prevents better PCs from getting significantly better times.
  4. FPS must always be displayed on the screen using the std 12 and tdt console commands. If the game crashes you must re-enter these commands when you load back into the game.
  5. No using console commands aside from sdt 12 and tdt to display the FPS.
  6. No using save files that were made prior to starting the run.
  7. Wait timer must be set to 1 hour before the start of the run.

Timing Rules

  1. The timer must be real time (no load removers or in-game time) and the timer cannot be paused in the middle of the run for any reason.
  2. Time starts when you click "Continue" on the first tutorial quest message.
  3. No mouse movement or other player input is allowed before the time starts.
  4. Time ends at 100% Completion (when the quest completion message appears for the Imperial Dragon Armor quest.)

Misc. Rules

  1. The route logic is designed for the latest patch of the game, but you are technically allowed to play on any version you want. Beware that the older versions are more prone to run-ending glitches.
  2. Multiple players may trade off during the run, but time does not stop to switch players.
  3. If a rule is accidentally broken somehow, loading to a save from before the rule was broken must be done. (If you gain information from the rule break, such as clipping through a wall or checking debug info, your run is disqualified.)
  4. Must have unedited video proof of the run that shows all the gameplay, with all crucial elements unobstructed. (If your stream crashes, make sure to show that no gameplay was achieved between stream crash, and that the timer has not stopped.)