Oblivion:Chair Clipping

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Chair Clipping

Category: Menu Float/Clipping

Version Compatibility
v1.0 v1.1.511 v1.20214 v1.2.0416
? ? ?

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Found By: Haskell
Date Found: 2/17/2023
Archaeologist: N/A
Date Recovered: N/A
Original Source: Link

Chair Clipping is a glitch built off of Player Superposition, where if the third-person camera is moving while the first-person body sits in a chair, the player resynchronize and start moving in a direction, completely avoiding collision with all objects and walls until the player disables the Menu Float. This allows the player to easily get out of bounds in any area that has a chair nearby.


  1. Activate Player Superposition while running into a chair.
  2. Sit in the chair. The first and third-person will synchronize and start clipping through all objects and walls at a fixed direction and speed.
  3. Open/close your inventory to deactivate the Menu Float when you want to stop moving.
  4. You are now sitting down, so get out of the fake chair to resume normal control of your character.

Additional Notes


CatPiss.png This glitch requires further research to fully understand its mechanics. Some information in this section is currently speculation.

It is currently unknown exactly how clipping path works since the player appears to be pushed up by outdoor terrain and sometimes climbs invisible stairs, but we have determined that the direction of the clip is based on the back facing angle of the chair.