Oblivion:Lost Histories

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Current Best Route

Quest stages are indicated in parentheses at the end of each step when they are updated. Keep in mind that these optimized steps are within the context of the 100% speedrun route, meaning that certain items and setups are sometimes assumed to have already been performed prior to the start of the quest.

  1. Talk to NPC:
    • ↳ speech option that sets stage (10)
  2. Perform action. (✔ 100)


Currently there are no known bugs associated with this quest that affect the 100% route.

Route Logic Considerations

There are no significant route logic considerations for this quest.

Script Analysis

No script analysis has been done for this quest.

Quest Stages

Lost Histories (TG06Atonement)
Stage Finish setstage Scripts Journal Entry
5 (Set to determine if Larthjar is rescued)
7 (Set quest target for Shum gro-Yarug)
8 A beggar reminded me that S'krivva can be found at the Lonely Suitors Lodge and at the Arena. I'll need to speak with her to see if there are any special Thievs Guild assignments available.
10 S'krivva of the Thieves Guild has asked me to find out what happened to the thief named Theranis. He was sent to steal a book entitled Lost Histories of Tamriel from the wizard in Castle Skingrad. My job is to recover the book. S'krivva doesn't care if Theranis delivers it to her or I do. I'm getting 400 gold coins either way.
15 I discovered that Theranis was arrested. It seems he was found in a tavern, drunk and bragging about stealing something from Castle Skingrad. The Captain of the Skingrad Guard overheard him and arrested him. I'm going to have to break into the dungeon if I want to speak to Theranis.
20 I tried to bribe my way into the jail to see Theranis, but the jailor is too honest. Either that or he is terrified of Count Hassildor. It's too bad I can't get a job in the castle. What does a guy have to do in this town to see the inside of the jail? Get arrested?
25 It seems that the butler, Shum gro-Yarug, is hiring up at Castle Skingrad. Penetrating the castle would be much easier if I had that job.
30 I got myself hired as a servant in Castle Skingrad. I only have access to the Great Keep, but that should help. Shum gro-Yarug says that the jailors will open the prison door for me. Now I just have to find Theranis.
40 The only prisoner in Castle Skingrad's jail is Larthjar. He told me that the Pale Lady, whoever she is, took Theranis days ago. I don't like the sound of that. There was an Argonian prisoner in the same cell as Theranis. Apparently he was also taken by the Pale Lady just a couple of hours ago. The Argonian put up quite a struggle and was bleeding. It's the only clue I've got right now. I'd better follow it.
45 Theranis is dead. I found his body in the secret chamber with Amusei and the Pale Lady.
50 The Argonian in the cell with Theranis turned out to be Amusei! Before he died, Theranis told Amusei where he hid a special treasure, which I assume is the book. If I can get him out of here, Amusei will tell me where the book is hidden. Of course being seen helping a known prisoner to escape is a crime. I'll have to avoid the guards in the castle.
51 Amusei and I escaped from Castle Skingrad. Let's see if he will keep his word and tell me about the book.
52 Amusei was grateful for being saved from the Pale Lady and told me where to find the book. It is under a bush, behind Nerastarel's house, near a well.
60 I have the Lost Histories of Tamriel. Now all I have to do is return it to S'krivva in Bravil.
65 (Amusei joins the Thieves Guild and moves to the Imperial City)
70 S'krivva has rewarded me for recovering Lost Histories of Tamriel.