Oblivion:The Nirnroute
There are 306 Nirnroot to collect for 100% Completion. The breakdown of Nirnroot locations are as follows:
- 43 Nirnroot that are indoors.
- 9 Nirnroot that are outdoors inside of a city.
- 254 Nirnroot that are outdoors in the overworld.
The focus of the Nirnroute is to optimize the process of acquiring the 254 outdoor Nirnroot in the overworld.
The current theory is that these outdoor Nirnroot are best gathered all at once in a large, linear path. This is largely due to how tedious it is to find each one and to avoid mistakes. Having to reference the guide materials non-linearly within other route logic would disrupt the flow of other sections, and prevent the ability to have an efficient flow when obtaining this objective.
The vast majority of Nirnroute improvements focus on the actual presentation of the guide materials, as this section of the run has historically been extremely problematic due to poor Route Communication.