Oblivion:History of 100%

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Revision as of 14:35, 28 September 2022 by Brian Bosch (talk | contribs)
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Version 1: Borked Toddd (7-21-2017)

V1 was run in June 2017 and was completed in 79:17:32.

The goal was to see if 100% in a single segment was even possible, no matter how long it took. The outcome was that it succeeded. A lot of the 79 hours was pain and suffering because of routing errors. The routing process took about 2 months.

playlist here

Version 2: Kirkland Crimson Chin III (9-25-2020)

V2 was run in September 2020 and was completed in 39:27:40.

The goal was to get under 55 hours, shaving at least a day off of the previous run. The focus was to do this by making the route materials more accessible. A lot of the pain and suffering of V1 was vague instructions and not knowing where things were. V2 had much better route materials. Color coding, illustrated maps, and labeling systems were all added.

The result of this effort was that the route was much easier to understand. However, much of the gameplay was still very tedious and suboptimal.

"This is a speedrun that has been three years in the making. Ever since our previous run in June 2017 with a time of 79:17:32, I slowly chipped away at improving the 100% route in every way I could. I learned a ton about the game along the way, and was completely shocked at how much of an improvement this route was over the previous version. Looking forward to Version 3." -MeemawHustlin

Playlist here

Version 3: Keith "Da Baby" Ledger (8-28-2021)

V3 was run in August 2021 and was completed in 21:47:22.

The goal for this run was to make it in under 30 hours, saving around 12 hours. Do this by heavily optimizing the route logic. The materials were similar to V2, with minor optimizations. However, during the run, it turns out that the route was so well optimized that interacting with and managing the guide materials became the bottleneck.

"My long term goal with the Oblivion 100% speedrun project has been to get the run under 24 hours. With our practice data for this run, it really did seem like we would be getting a little over the 24 hour threshold at best. I guess practicing the pilot/co-pilot system over Discord must have resulted in slower timing data than the final result, because we were not expecting a time several hours faster than our data suggested. I'd like to thank everyone in the Oblivion speedrun and PRCLive communities that has contributed to the 100% route, as this run would not have been even close to under the 24 hour goal without the help of everyone involved. I'm very happy that this route is now at a point where it is more accessible to attempt, and that it has become a much more collaborative project that utilizes the skills of many smart and talented contributors. Looking forward to V4" - Ben S. (MeemawHustlin)"

Playlist here

Version 4

In Progress.

Current time estimate: Less than 16 hours.