
From PRCLive 100% Speedrun Wiki
Revision as of 02:03, 8 October 2022 by MeemawHustlin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''Primer''' is designed to quickly introduce viewers and readers to some of the main concepts that will help them understand better what is happening in the run. ==FAQs== ====What does 100% even mean in this game anyway?==== It is true that Oblivion doesn't track your completion percentage in any explicit way. However, the Accomplishments tab is the one in-game place where a variety of trackable stats are located, and it includes everything you'd expect a 100% ru...")
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The Primer is designed to quickly introduce viewers and readers to some of the main concepts that will help them understand better what is happening in the run.


What does 100% even mean in this game anyway?

It is true that Oblivion doesn't track your completion percentage in any explicit way. However, the Accomplishments tab is the one in-game place where a variety of trackable stats are located, and it includes everything you'd expect a 100% run to do, such as Quests Completed, Mastering Skills, and Places Found, in addition to some really punishing objectives like Nirnroots Found. We take every stat on that page, and get to the max value for that stat, ignoring any stats that are infinite (such as Jokes Told). There are a few other smaller objectives as well, but this is the main governing idea behind the requirements. If you would like to see a detailed list with justifications for all of the requirements, as well as the rules for speedrunning the route, you can check that out here.

How are you killing everything so fast?

The difficulty slider is changed situationally for various parts of the route, but most of the time it is left on the easiest setting. For the majority of the run, we use the Apotheosis staff to deal a massive 99 points of mixed elemental damage, which kills virtually any enemy in one hit. We also utilize a stack glitch to recharge the staff without needing soul gems. You can read more about combat optimizations here.

Why no DLC?

The original idea was that the run be strictly the vanilla version of the game to make it more accessible to runners, and it was assumed the vanilla version would more accurately represent how the majority of viewers remembered the game. However, there has been enough demand for it that we will eventually make a DLC/Add-on version of the run that includes all officially released content since we plan on doing something similar right out of the gate for Skyrim 100%.

Skyrim 100%?

We plan on doing Skyrim 100% relatively soon now that Oblivion is extremely optimized for 100%. If you would like to be a part of the creation of the first ever run, we will be planning the requirements and discussing the route on our Discord server.