Oblivion:Hand to Hand Training

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Revision as of 05:51, 10 October 2022 by MeemawHustlin (talk | contribs)
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Current Best Route

Quest stages are indicated in parentheses at the end of each step when they are updated. Keep in mind that these optimized steps are within the context of the 100% speedrun route, meaning that certain items and setups are sometimes assumed to have already been performed prior to the start of the quest.

  1. In the Imperial Bridge Inn, cast a spell to raise Hand to Hand to 70+ and immediately talk to Davela Hlaren.
    Training. (10)
  2. Fast travel to the Quest Marker and kill Helvius Cecia. (✔ 200)


  • Killing Helvius Cecia before doing Turning a Blind Eye will make it potentially impossible to complete Turning a Blind Eye. See that quest page for more info.

Route Logic Considerations

  • Killing Helvius Cecia during this quest will potentially cause Turning a Blind Eye to become impossible to finish, so this quest should be done until right after that one while you are already at Helvius Cecia's House.
  • Davela Hlaren is also a merchant, so she should be invested in while talking to her.
  • The skill book Calcinator Treatsie [Alchemy] should be read in the Imperial Bridge Inn while doing this quest.
  • Lithnilian is also in the Imperial Bridge Inn, so No Stone Unturned should be done when you talk to Davela Hlaren.
  • Like all the Master Training quests, the actual Master Trainer needs to be alive prior to starting the quest in order to be able to complete it.
  • Davela Hlaren in the Imperial Bridge Inn and Ra'qanar in Castle Cheydinhal can both start this quest. Although you could technically talk to Ra'qanar while at Castle Cheydinhal during other quests, you have to talk to Davela Hlaren directly anyway to invest in her, so it is fastest to start this quest while already talking to her.

Script Analysis

No script analysis has been done for this quest.

Quest Stages

Hand to Hand Training (TrainingHandtoHand)
Stage Finish setstage Scripts Journal Entry
10 I need to speak with Helvius Cecia in Bruma about training hand to hand combat.
20 I must prove my worthiness to Helvius Cecia before he will consider training me. He's asked that I hit him as hard as I can.
100 Helvius Cecia has agreed to train me.
200 Helvius Cecia is dead. I have no chance to be taught more about Hand to Hand combat now.
