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Between the UESP's existing article about glitches and the surge in glitch hunting research done through the Moist Redguard Speedrun Challenge, there are now tons of glitches in Redguard. The goal of this page is to compile technical and historical info for every glitch no matter how insignificant or obsolete it is.

This process involves documenting glitches that are common knowledge, finding old videos/info about long-forgotten glitches, and discovering new glitches.

Glitch Hunting

Full Article: Glitch Hunting

We have an ongoing project to discover new glitches through community collaboration. Theorized glitches and potential leads for solving how to perform those glitches are detailed in the full article. This project additionally explores the full potential of glitches that have already been discovered through proposed experiments to try out.


Glitches fall under several different categories:

  • Movement: Glitches that exploit Redguard's messy controls.
  • Clipping: Glitches that result in the player moving out of bounds or moving through walls/obstacles.
  • Hardware: Glitches that are specific to the hardware of a specific DOSBox configuration or physical copy of the game.
  • Graphical: Visual glitches.
  • Misc.: Glitches that fall under no clear category. This will be used less frequently as we organize the glitches further.
Glitch Category Description
Enemy Push Clip Clipping Standing with your back to a wall and spamming the sheath button while an enemy lunge attacks you will push you backwards through most walls and objects.
Object Push Clip Clipping Wiggling in between objects with strange collision behavior while your sword is out will sometimes push you through nearby walls and objects.
Sheath Glide Clipping Unsheathing your sword and then pressing and holding Sheath + Forward + Jump + Walk during the animation will buffer a fast forward glide that is unaffected by gravity, can clip through many objects and terrain, and buffer a jump at the end.
Terrain Zip Clipping Sheath Gliding on a walkable slope causes you to clip through it, zipping up to the terrain height at the end of the glide. This can be used to pass underneath walls and other objects.
Jump Spam Clip Clipping Spamming Jump while running forward on sloped objects like bridges will often cause you to clip through the floor. This does not work on terrain slopes.
Double Jump Movement While running forward, press jump, and then hold Walk + Jump in mid air to buffer a second mid air jump. This allows for a higher jump height than a regular jump
Triple Jump Movement You can jump three times in the air before landing.
Walk Slide Movement Jumping while running forward with Walk Mode on will cause jumps to glide forward without gaining height. The speed of this glide is unaffected by slopes.
Moonwalk Movement Tapping back and immediately pressing Jump + Forward will cause a brief moonwalk slide and buffer a jump at the end.
Climbing Zip Movement If two ledges are close enough to each other, you can zip up/down to a nearby ledge while climbing on a different one. The scaffolding at the end of the game is a prime example of this.
Fast Combat Movement Jumping and attacking in the air back and forth with precise timing can trivialize most combat situations.
Slope Climb Movement While the Resurrection glitch is active, the player can walk up slopes that normally force the player to slide, allowing access to many unintentional areas.
Resurrection Misc. Quicksaving during your death animation and reloading that quicksave will cause you to stay alive with zero health, allowing you to continue playing normally.
Dialogue Preservation Misc. Starting a new game while you are on the dialogue option select screen with an NPC will carry those options over into the new game.
Steam Autosave Misc. On the Steam version of the game, a fresh install will include a save file with only one pirate to kill during the tutorial, giving a small time save if this file is loaded at the very start.
Richton Deaggro Misc. For reasons currently unknown, Richton will sometimes not attack the player at all during the final fight, allowing for a very quick kill.
Animation Cancel Misc. Drinking a potion in mid-air and entering a door before landing will consume the potion and skip the long drinking animation.
Camera Unload Misc. Pressing Alt + Home will allow free movement of the camera. Moving the camera far enough away from the player will unload the objects around them, potentially allowing for access to unintentional areas.
Cycle Boost Hardware Opening/closing the credits with F10, the inventory, and various other menus can cause the DOSBox emulator to speed up the game briefly.