Oblivion:Class Reset

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Class Reset

Category: Player Stats

Also Known As: Sewer Reset, Baurus Reset

Version Compatibility
v1.0 v1.1.511 v1.20214 v1.2.0416
? ?

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Found By: Fevus
Date Found: 9/23/2021
Date Recovered:
Original Source: Link

Class Reset is a glitch that results in the player's skills and attributes being reset whenever they alter their character build. The values of each reset stat are scaled up based on the player's level, resulting in much higher values than the player likely originally had.


There are two methods for setting this glitch up, each with their own pros and cons.

Sewer Reset

  1. Create a save somewhere inside of the tutorial that will allow you to Load Warp back in later.
  2. Quicksave before exiting the sewer, then exit normally and Load Warp your quicksave character into a cell outside of the tutorial, such as a shop or house.
  3. Get your character to a higher level. The Infinite Level-Up Glitch is useful here.
  4. Load Warp back into the tutorial sewer using your save from step 1. Note that this is a different cell than the one that replaces it upon exiting the tutorial.
  5. Attempt to exit the tutorial sewer normally. The popup appears for finalizing your character creation choices.
  6. Depending on which options you selected from this popup, your character will have stats that are now scaled up significantly based on your player level.


  • The Sewer Reset setup allows the player to change their race, gender, and class upon returning.
  • You can repeat the Load Warping process after changing your build, allowing you to return to the sewer reset repeatedly.
  • The Sewer Reset activates a very problematic glitch where waiting does not advance NPC schedules properly.
  • This setup is slightly easier, as it does not require any clipping type glitches to get to the end of the tutorial.
  • Sewer Reset does not reset the experience you have gained for each skill, making it less ideal if you intend to Underflow skills but better otherwise.

Baurus Reset

  1. While playing through the tutorial, use Save Clipping to skip talking to Baurus in the final area right before he has you pick a class. You will need to kill the Mythic Dawn agent standing in the hallway around the corner past the locked grate to advance his script to the stage where he is ready to talk to you.
  2. Make a save at the sewer grate just before exiting this area.
  3. Exit the tutorial sewer. If you want to avoid your skill experience being reset, Load Warp past the final sewer exit as mentioned in the Sewer Reset instructions, otherwise exit normally.
  4. Get your character to a higher level. The Infinite Level-Up Glitch is useful here.
  5. Load Warp back into the tutorial room with Baurus using your save from step 2.
  6. Talk to Baurus and alter your class as desired.
  7. Depending on which options you selected for your class, your character will have stats that are now scaled up significantly based on your player level.


  • The Baurus Reset setup only allows the player to change their class, making it less flexible than Sewer Reset.
  • You cannot repeat the Baurus Reset glitch after activating it, unlike Sewer Reset.
  • The Baurus Reset avoids a wait timer bug that Sewer Reset causes.
  • This setup is more complicated than Sewer Reset, required the use of more glitches to get through the tutorial.
  • Baurus Reset allows you to reset the skill experience you've earned, as long as you have already permanently closed the "Finished - Exit Sewers" popup. This allows for much easier setups for Skill Underflowing.
  • You cannot advance the main quest at all until you've talked to Baurus about your class, so setting up this glitch prevents you from playing the main quest until you finish all the steps of the setup.


CatPiss.png This glitch requires further research to fully understand its mechanics. Some information in this section is currently speculation.

When performing a Class Reset glitch, a few things happen depending on how you set it up:

  1. Your attributes are reset to the base values of your new race/gender/class, then increased as follows:
    • Luck is unchanged and remains the base value.
    • All other attributes are increased by +0.6 per character level.
    • All attributes governing major skills are increased an additional +0.8 per character level for each applicable major skill.
      • Attribute values are capped at 100, and then Birthsigns affects are added, meaning you can get attributes above 100 depending on Birthsign.
      • This means that depending on your major skills, all attributes aside from Luck could receive a boost of +0.6, +1.4, +2.2, or +3.0 per character level.
  2. Your skills are reset to the base values of your new race/gender/class, then increased as follows:
    • All skills are increased by +0.1 per character level.
    • All specialized skills are increased +0.5 per character level.
    • All major skills are increase +0.9 per character level.
    • If you have performed the Baurus Reset after closing the "Finished - Exit Sewers" popup permanently, your skill experience will be reset.
    • If you have performed either Class Reset setup before closing the "Finished - Exit Sewers" popup permanently, your skill experience will be added on top of the base values.
      • In either case, purchased training will be reset regardless, only actual experience points earned are affected.