Oblivion:Game Mechanics

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Not to be confused with Glitches, Game Mechanics are intended aspects of gameplay that can be exploited using intended user actions. The end result of exploiting these mechanics likely was not intended in some cases.

Spell Stacking

Full Article: Spell Stacking

Spell Stacking is a mechanic where the player can use Weakness to Magic to recursively boost the magnitude of spells with negative effects on subsequent spell casts, including Weakness to Magic itself. This allows for casting spells with incredibly large magnitudes relatively easily, enabling the player to reach absurdly high stat values.

Potion Stacking

Full Article: Potion Stacking

Potion Stacking is a game mechanic that determines how many potions you can drink at once. It is a very complicated system that is extremely unintuitive. It is unknown if this system was intentional by developers or if it should be considered a glitch.

Attribute Allocation/Max Character Level

Full Article: Attribute Allocation

Although now partially obsoleted by the Class Reset glitch, figuring out how to reach the highest player level with and without DLC was optimized further than other sources originally claimed.

Fast Travel Time

Full Article: Fast Travel

Research is being done to determine exactly how fast travel time is calculated by the game when it simulates a fast travel. Many factors such as player speed, location distance, spell effect durations, etc. need to be examined to figure out how this works.

Loot Bags

Full Article: Loot Bag

Loot bags are items that spawn in a room when too many items have been dropped, resulting in the items in the room being transferred to the bag to reduce lag. It has been determined that the PC version of the game is almost impossible to lag out enough to spawn a loot bag, although they are much more common on console versions.


Full Article: Followers

Followers are NPCs that follow you around during certain quests and under certain circumstances. The game mechanic that is intended to limit how many followers does not actually prevent you from acquiring more, so this article explores the limits of how many followers you can acquire at once.


Full Article: Vampirism

Vampirism has tons of mechanics related to it, most of which are very buggy and inconsistent. Our focus is to understand more thoroughly how Vampirism was programmed in order to find the fastest way to develop full Vampirism for the Skill Grind.