Oblivion:Glitch Hunting

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The PRCLive community has an ongoing project to hunt for new glitches through a variety of methods. While most glitches mentioned in this article are theorized to exist based on leads and/or video evidence, some glitches are being researched due to the significant impact they would have on the 100% speedrun regardless of whether or not leads currently exist. Additionally, several glitches listed were already solved mechanically, but are being further optimized to discover new potential routing options for 100%.

Glitch Archaeology

The internet has a large quantity of Oblivion glitch videos/posts from decades ago. People within the community have been finding relatively obscure glitches/tech just by looking for old YouTube videos/forum posts. If you would like to hunt for glitches this way, you may just find something useful that was never noticed by the community at large. Message us on the Discord with your findings and we’ll attempt to recreate any found glitches and verify which versions of the game they work on.

Glitch Archaeology is not only about finding long-forgotten glitches. It is also about finding the earliest documented example of each known glitch to more thoroughly document the history of glitch hunting in the Oblivion community.


Glitch Original Year Archaeologist Description
Bruma Gate Jail Glitch 2011 Fevus You can close the Bruma Gate by going to jail to skip doing the actual quest.
Deer Glitch 2013 Fevus A Missing Name item dropped by the player results in deer spawning. This could be the result of a Skull of Corruption item.
Horse Mount While Sitting 2013 theRealpoBBpC The player is teleported to 0, 0, 0 when mounting a horse while seated.


Glitch Original Year Archaeologist Version Description
Selling Equipped Items 2014 theRealpoBBpC v1.0 only Selling an item you have equipped gives you the gold without losing the item. This glitch is also mentioned on the UESP.
TCL Glitch 2009 Fevus v1.2 The player can walk through objects as if the TCL console command is active by fainting a horse while mounting it.
Lucien Duping 2013 dnayls v1.2 Lucien's Lockpicks are glitched in the same way as Dorian's Gold. This strengthened our understanding of the Negative Inventory Glitch.