Oblivion:A Brotherhood Betrayed

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Current Best Route

Quest stages are indicated in parentheses at the end of each step when they are updated. Keep in mind that these optimized steps are within the context of the 100% speedrun route, meaning that certain items and setups are sometimes assumed to have already been performed prior to the start of the quest.

  1. Talk to NPC:
    • ↳ speech option that sets stage (10)
  2. Perform action. (✔ 100)


Currently there are no known bugs associated with this quest that affect the 100% route.

Route Logic Considerations

There are no significant route logic considerations for this quest.

Script Analysis

No script analysis has been done for this quest.

Quest Stages

A Brotherhood Betrayed (MS11)
Stage Finish setstage Scripts Journal Entry
5 I've entered the house of Bradon Lirrian in Bruma. A guard named Carius Runellius has told me that this was the scene of a crime, and unless I was a guard or someone named Raynil Dralas, I should leave.
10 I've discovered that Bradon Lirrian, a resident here in Bruma, was actually a vampire. He was slain by a vampire hunter who has appeared in town named Raynil Dralas. However, the circumstances of this incident sound sketchy at best. I should make my way to the crime scene at Bradon's house to investigate.
20 I've spoken to Carius Runellius, an investigator for the Bruma city watch, at the crime scene. He says that Raynil slipped into the house undetected and killed the vampire in its sleep around noon. The wife wasn't home, as she works during the day. Also, the body of an unidentified beggar has been found stashed in Bradon's house. I should question Bradon's wife if I want to investigate further.
30 Bradon's wife, Erline, told me her husband is innocent. She says that he simply works at night, and sleeps during the day. She also suspects that someone must have planted the body. She seemed to cast a suspicious light on Raynil, whom she says she recognizes. I think I should locate Raynil and ask him some questions as well. I should start with some of the merchants and innkeepers in town.
40 After asking around Bruma, I've discovered that Raynil has been staying at Olav's Tap and Tack while he's been in town. The inn is located next to the city gates. This should be my next destination if I'm to question Raynil.
50 I've spoken to Olav at Olav's Tap and Tack. I was able to convince him to give me the key to Raynil's room. He told me that it was up the stairs and at the end of the hall. That should be my next destination.
60 I've entered Raynil's room. I should carefully search the place for anything suspicious.
70 I've discovered a small journal in Raynil's room at the inn. It seems he was part of a group of adventurers who uncovered an artifact of some sort from some Ayleid ruins. They all agreed to stash the artifact in a cave until more research could be done about it. Each of them took a key to the chest it was secured in. The two other members of the group were Bradon and someone named Gelebourne. I need to find out more about Gelebourne to confirm my suspicions about Raynil. Olav may be able to help.
80 The innkeeper, Olav, told me that Gelebourne was slain in Skingrad by none other than Raynil. As with Bradon, Raynil claimed Gelebourne was a vampire. I think Raynil is using the vampire as a cover story to get the keys to the chest where they stashed the artifact. I think it's time to speak to Carius Runellius about Raynil. He must be stopped.
85 I've given Gelebourne's journal to Carius. He was shocked at the story contained within, and vowed to bring Raynil to justice. He's gone to inform the guards. He said to meet him back at Olav's Tap and Tack in an hour.
90 Carius told me that Raynil was seen leaving Bruma and heading west. According to the journal, the cave where the artifact is stashed is in that direction. Carius mentioned that the only cave in that direction that matches the journal's description is Boreal Stone Cave. Carius also feels I have only a day before Raynil can make good his escape, so I must get there quickly.
100 I've arrived at Boreal Stone Cave.
110 I've located Raynil in Boreal Stone Cave. He refused to surrender, choosing instead to attack me. I was forced to kill him to defend myself. I can now recover the artifact mentioned in Gelebounre's journal from the chest.
115 Opening the waterlogged chest with all three keys, I discovered the artifact to be an amulet. It seems fairly unremarkable, and I am unsure of its function. I think I should bring it back to Erline Lirrian and see what she wants me to do with it.
120 Erline was pleased that I stopped Raynil. She told me that as an extra precaution, Bradon had a command word protection put on the amulet so no one could steal it and use it without his knowledge. Fortunately, Erline was given the command word. After giving it to her, she said the word, and the true nature of the item was revealed: The Phylacetary of Litheness. She then said I could keep the item, as a token of her thanks.
150 A full day has passed, and I haven't made it to Boreal Stone Cave to stop Raynil. I fear I may be too late. I should hasten there as soon as I can to confirm my theory.
160 I've arrived at Boreal Stone Cave, and have found it to be completely empty. I fear Raynil has made off with the artifact and he has disappeared. I should inform Carius.
170 Carius mentioned that Raynil has slipped through their grasp and made good his escape from the area. They will keep watch for him, but they doubt he will return. I'm afraid I'll never see him again.
200 One of the characters needed to complete this quest has died.
