Oblivion:Corruption and Conscience

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Current Best Route

Quest stages are indicated in parentheses at the end of each step when they are updated. Keep in mind that these optimized steps are within the context of the 100% speedrun route, meaning that certain items and setups are sometimes assumed to have already been performed prior to the start of the quest.

  1. Talk to NPC:
    • ↳ speech option that sets stage (10)
  2. Perform action. (✔ 100)


Currently there are no known bugs associated with this quest that affect the 100% route.

Route Logic Considerations

There are no significant route logic considerations for this quest.

Script Analysis

No script analysis has been done for this quest.

Quest Stages

Corruption and Conscience (MS10)
Stage Finish setstage Scripts Journal Entry
10 I was told by one of the townspeople in Cheydinhal that the guards have been imposing heavy and unfair fines lately. This seemed to begin ever since the new Captain of the Guard, Ulrich Leland, took office. I was referred to Llevana Nedaren, who lives in the south end of town, as she is the most vocal about her dislike of the new commander.
20 Llevana Nedaren told me about the plight of a good friend of hers, Aldos Othran. She explained how he was evicted from his home for non-payment of fines and expressed her hatred of Ulrich. She mentioned that Ulrich's second in command, Garrus Darelliun, seemed sympathetic to the people's plight. I should speak to Garrus next about this matter.
30 Garrus Darelliun let me know his dislike of his commanding officer and took it a step further by letting me know he thinks Ulrich is pocketing much of the money from the inflated fines. He said I should speak to Aldos, as Garrus needs a witness to bring Ulrich to justice.
40 I found Aldos, drunk as usual. He begged me to follow him back to his old house where wanted me to witness something. I should follow.
50 Aldos Othran has been slain by a Cheydinhal guard. He had led me to his old house, where he exchanged heated words with the guards. During the argument, Aldos pulled a knife and the guard put him down. I should tell Llevana the sad news.
60 Llevana was furious after I told her of Aldos's fate. She wants me to go speak to Ulrich and somehow convince him to follow me back to her house, where she would "take care of him." This doesn't sound like the best method to deal with Ulrich. I think I should speak to Garrus first then decide how to handle this situation.
70 Garrus was saddened by the news of Aldos's death. He vowed to bring Ulrich to justice by any means. He suggested the only way to incriminate the Captain would be by searching his quarters. He is suggesting that I sneak in there and look for such evidence. I'll have to decide if I want to do this Garrus's way or Llevana's way.
75 I have convinced Ulrich to follow me to Llevana's house. I should lead him there now.
78 I have arrived at Llevana's house with Ulrich. I should see where he goes.
79 (This makes the rats appear and attack and kill Ulrich)
80 Once Ulrich was led inside Llevana's house, she cast some sort of paralysis spell on him. At that point, Llevana released some rats upon Ulrich's helpless body that bit into him until he was dead. I should report this to Garrus.
90 In Ulrich's quarters, I've discovered a letter he wrote to some relatives outside of Cyrodiil. In it, he talks about sending them a great deal of money and goods he purchased using the illicit funds. This is the evidence Garrus would need. I should take it to him.
95 I have given the evidence to Garrus he needs to remove Ulrich from office. He said he would take it directly to the Count of Cheydinhal. He told me to meet him at the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn in two hours. (If the player finishes the quest Garrus's way) or

Garrus was upset that I would resort to such a method to have Ulrich removed from his position, but he was glad it was over. He said he would report this to the Count of Cheydinhal, and told me to meet him at the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn in two hours. (If the player finishes the quest another way)

97 It's been about two hours, and Garrus Darelliun should be meeting me at the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn.
100 Garrus has informed me that he was made Captain of the Guard of Cheydinhal to replace Ulrich, and has rewarded me for helping him.
150 I've slain Ulrich Leland. At my first opportunity, I should speak with Garrus Darelliun, his second-in-command.
180 Although my actions removed Ulrich from his position as Captain of the Guard, Garrus didn't approve of my method.
200 One of the characters needed to complete this quest has died.