Oblivion:Imperial Corruption

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Current Best Route

Quest stages are indicated in parentheses at the end of each step when they are updated. Keep in mind that these optimized steps are within the context of the 100% speedrun route, meaning that certain items and setups are sometimes assumed to have already been performed prior to the start of the quest.

  1. Talk to NPC:
    • ↳ speech option that sets stage (10)
  2. Perform action. (✔ 100)


Currently there are no known bugs associated with this quest that affect the 100% route.

Route Logic Considerations

There are no significant route logic considerations for this quest.

Script Analysis

No script analysis has been done for this quest.

Quest Stages

Imperial Corruption (MS26)
Stage Finish setstage Scripts Journal Entry
5 (Set if PC asks a guard for directions to a captain. Hieronymus Lex.)
6 (Set if PC asks a guard for directions to a captain. Servatius Quintilius.)
10 Apparently there is a corrupt Imperial Watchman in the city. Luronk gro-Glurzog in the Temple district was complaining about him. Luronk ran afoul of him at Jensine's Merchandise in the market district. Luronk didn't have a name, but maybe Jensine does.
11 Apparently there is a corrupt Imperial Watchman in the city. Ruslan in the Temple district was complaining about him. Ruslan ran afoul of him at Jensine's Merchandise in the market district. Ruslan didn't have a name, but maybe Jensine does.
20 I spoke to Jensine in the Imperial market district about the corrupt watchman. She told me the same story as Ruslan and Luronk. The Imperial Watch Captain Audens Avidius is extorting money from the shopkeepers. They are all too afraid of him to do anything about it. I need to find someone with the authority to stop him. She says only another watch captain would be able to arrest him.
30 The guards are no help. Any complaints about guard activities are to be taken to the guard captain. Of course Audens Avidius is one of the guard captains, so that won't work. I could try talking to one of the other Watch Captains.
40 I tried reporting Audens Avidius to Hieronymus Lex, who is one of the other guard captains. He is busy chasing after the Gray Fox. He said I should try the third guard captain, Itius Hayn.
45 I tried reporting Audens Avidius to Servatius Quintilius, who is one of the other guard captains. He is new to the job and won't act against one of the other guard captains. He said I should try the third guard captain, Itius Hayn.
50 Watch Captain Itius Hayn is willing to arrest Audens Avidius if I can produce two witnesses that will publicly accuse him. The only victims I know are Ruslan, Luronk gro-Glurzog, and Jensine. I'll need to talk to them.
60 Jensine refuses to testify against Audens Avidius. I don't think I can persuade her. I'll have to try the other two, Luronk and Ruslan.
70 Ruslan has agreed to testify against Audens Avidius in the morning. Now I just have to get Luronk gro-Glurzog to testify as well.
71 (Ruslan spoke with Itius.)
75 Luronk gro-Glurzog has agreed to testify against Audens Avidius in the morning. Now I just have to get Ruslan to testify as well.
76 (Luronk spoke with Itius.)
80 I've convinced both Ruslan and Luronk to testify against Audens Avidius. I hope Itius Hayn is true to his word and arrests his fellow Watch Captain. Otherwise those two are going to be in a lot of trouble. I could keep an eye on those two and make sure they go to see Itius first thing in the morning.
89 (Set to strip Audens of his rank)
90 (Both Ruslan and Luronk have testified to Itius Hayn.)
91 Audens Avidius has been arrested. That should make Jensine, Ruslan, and Luronk happy. Hopefully it will serve as a lesson for any other guard that is thinking about shaking down innocent citizens.
95 (Audens in jail)
100 (Audens escapes)
119 Audens Avidius is dead. He was that crooked guard in the Imperial City that had threatened Luronk and Ruslan. He must have escaped from prison. He kept raving about how he would get me for putting him in jail.
120 Audens Avidius attacked me. He was that crooked guard in the Imperial City that had threatened Luronk and Ruslan. He must have escaped from prison. Sadly, I was forced to kill him. He kept raving about how he would get me for putting him in jail.