Oblivion:May the Best Thief Win

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Current Best Route

Quest stages are indicated in parentheses at the end of each step when they are updated. Keep in mind that these optimized steps are within the context of the 100% speedrun route, meaning that certain items and setups are sometimes assumed to have already been performed prior to the start of the quest.

  1. Talk to NPC:
    • ↳ speech option that sets stage (10)
  2. Perform action. (✔ 100)


Currently there are no known bugs associated with this quest that affect the 100% route.

Route Logic Considerations

There are no significant route logic considerations for this quest.

Script Analysis

No script analysis has been done for this quest.

Quest Stages

May the Best Thief Win (TG01BestThief)
Stage Finish setstage Scripts Journal Entry
5 I approached Armand Christophe about the Thieves Guild. Apparently this is not the right time or place to discuss it. He told me to meet him in the ruined Garden of Dareloth in the Waterfront district of the Imperial City. I have to be there at midnight.
10 I spoke with Armand Christophe, who is a member of the Thieves Guild. He offered me a chance to join the guild, but I have to compete against two other thieves, Methredhel and Amusei. Which ever one of us steals Amantius Allectus' Diary first will be inducted into the Thieves Guild. It's somewhere in the Imperial City. He told me that the beggars might be able to tell me where to find him.
15 A beggar told me that Amantius Allectus lives in the Temple district, on the far east side.
16 (Player gets Methredhel's house as a quest target.)
17 (Set quest target for Rohssan)
18 (Methredhel stops waiting for PC and takes diary.)
20 Methredhel has beaten me to Amantius Allectus' diary. If I can't get it from her somehow, she will get into the guild and I'll be left out in the cold. It's too bad the competition rules won't let me kill her. However, Armand didn't say anything about stealing from her!
22 Methredhel has escaped. If I want that diary, I going to have to track her down. I wonder if the beggars can help me?
30 I have stolen Amantius Allectus' diary from Methredhel. Now to get back to Armand at Dareloth's garden by midnight.
40 I have beaten Methredhel and Amusei to Amantius Allectus' diary. Now to get back to Armand at Dareloth's garden by midnight.
50 Armand Christophe has granted me a membership in the Thieves Guild. Methredhel is irritated, but I think she'll get over it. Amusei is threatening to become a freelance thief. Armand has given me the rules of the guild: then

1. I can't kill anyone while I'm on the job. Animals and monsters are fair game though. then 2. Never steal from anyone in the Thieves Guild. then 3. Never steal from beggars and peasants, especially in the Waterfront. The Gray Fox protects them.

60 The word on the street is that Methredhel delivered Amantius Allectus diary to Armand. I hope Armand has something else I can do to get into the Thieves Guild. I should go see him at midnight in the Garden of Dareloth.
70 Methredhel delivered the diary to Armand before me. She has been accepted into the Thieves Guild.
75 Armand is giving Amusei and I one more chance we have to steal Rohssan's sword from somewhere in the Imperial City and bring it back to him. The first one of us to do that will also be admitted into the Thieves Guild.
80 I have Rohssan's Cutlass. Now to get back to Armand in the garden of Dareloth. I'll have to wait until midnight when he is there.
90 Armand Christophe has granted me a membership in the Thieves Guild. Amusei is threatening to become a freelance thief. Armand has given me the rules of the guild: