Oblivion:Menu Float Dupe

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Menu Float Dupe

Category: Duplication

Menu Float Dupe GIF.gif

See a video explanation here.

Version Compatibility
v1.0 v1.1.511 v1.20214 v1.2.0416
? ?

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Found By: Protoshy
Date Found: 02/20/2023
Archaeologist: N/A
Date Recovered: N/A
Original Source: Link

Menu Float Dupe is a glitch that allows you to duplicate an item while transferring it between your inventory and a container, and vice versa.


  1. Activate Menu Float.
  2. Highlight a stacked item in your inventory using the wait menu method. The stack size will be used to duplicate another item
  3. Open a container. If the item to be duplicated is in your inventory, press Shift + left arrow to open the player inventory tab in the container menu.
  4. Press Shift + Enter to drop the stacked items.
  5. You will now be in control of the container menu, navigate to the item you would like to duplicate, and transfer it.
  6. When the item transfers, it will have the stack size of the dropped items.

Additional Notes

  • Some items cannot be duplicated, it is currently not understood why.
  • Some items that cannot be duplicated by other glitches, including some quest items and damaged weapons/armor, can be duplicated with this method.
  • In some cases, it appears that a negative item count is given to the container/inventory the duped item is transferred from. This has not yet been explored to determine what effects this has, or how to trigger it.


CatPiss.png This glitch requires further research to fully understand its mechanics. Some information in this section is currently speculation.

This glitch seems to work due to a stack count variable being set upon dropping a stack of items. It appears that the drop action is delayed until the game resumes after the container menu closes, so by selecting another item to transfer, the game skips the popup asking to select an amount to transfer and instead uses the dropped stack value instead. A thorough examination of the code would be required to understand more about how this works.

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