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Current Best Route

Quest stages are indicated in parentheses at the end of each step when they are updated. Keep in mind that these optimized steps are within the context of the 100% speedrun route, meaning that certain items and setups are sometimes assumed to have already been performed prior to the start of the quest.

  1. Talk to NPC:
    • ↳ speech option that sets stage (10)
  2. Perform action. (✔ 100)


Currently there are no known bugs associated with this quest that affect the 100% route.

Route Logic Considerations

There are no significant route logic considerations for this quest.

Script Analysis

No script analysis has been done for this quest.

Quest Stages

Misdirection (TG05Misdirection)
Stage Finish setstage Scripts Journal Entry
4 A beggar reminded me that I can find S'krivva in the Lonely Suitor Lodge, or at home.
5 (Set quest target to Methredhel)
6 (Set quest target to Lex)
7 (Set quest target to Ontus Vanin's house)
9 (Guards start to run about on the waterfront)
10 S'krivva tells me that Hieronymus Lex, Captain of the Imperial Watch, has pulled guards from all over the Imperial City to lockdown the Waterfront. He has vowed to remain there until someone rats out the Gray Fox. If I want to help I have to find Methredhel. She is hiding somewhere in the Imperial City.
15 Methredhel has a plan to force Hieronymus Lex to lift his seige of the Waterfront. Myself and four other Thieves Guild operatives will go on a crime spree. Each of us is assigned a high profile item to steal. I am to steal Hrormir's staff from the Archmage's room at the Arcane University. I have a note I am supposed to leave in his nightstand.
19 I have Hrormir's Icestaff. All I need to do is leave the note in the nightstand.
20 I slid the note into the Archmage's night stand. Now to get the staff back to Methredhel.
25 I gave the Icestaff to Methredhel. She says we need to wait for the nobles and wizards to act. She wants me to watch Lex until he is ordered to leave the Waterfront. I have to make sure I get close enough to him to overhear any conversations. When he does, I report back to Methredhel.
26 (Dremora has found Lex)
29 (Dremora has left, Lex to say line.)
30 While spying on Hieronymus Lex, I saw a Dremora delivered a note to him. Lex has begun moving his watchmen out of the Waterfront. I think this is the signal for me to report back to Methredhel. Lex dropped that note. I wonder if I can find it?
40 I read the note that Hieronymus Lex dropped. Apparently he used guards from the Arcane University in his lockdown of the Waterfront. The wizards are blaming him for the theft of the Icestaff.
45 Methredhel has one last task for me. It's too dangerous to return Hrormir's Icestaff directly to the Arcane University. Instead, I have to put the Icestaff into a chest in Ontus Vanin's home. He is a researcher for the Arcane University and will certainly find it there.
50 I've planted the Icestaff in the chest in Ontus' bedroom. I should go see S'krivva and collect my reward.
60 S'krivva was very pleased. The Arcane University has forced Hieronymus Lex to break his siege of the Waterfront. She paid me the 300 gold coins she promised. I have been promoted to Cat Burglar within the Thieves Guild.