Oblivion:Stack Refresh

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Stack Refresh

Category: Duplication

Version Compatibility
v1.0 v1.1.511 v1.20214 v1.2.0416
? ? ?

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Stack Refresh is a glitch that allows the player to repair/recharge an item by merging it back into a generic stack of unused copies of that item via a hotkey.


  1. Dupe an unused weapon/armor piece so that you have at least 2 copies in a stack.
  2. Hotkey the item stack and equip the item using the hotkey.
  3. Use the item as desired, lowering the item's health or charge.
  4. Use the hotkey to unequip and reequip the item.
  5. The item will now be completely refreshed to its original state.

Additional Notes

  • This glitch sometimes stops working on an item stack for unknown reasons, but can easily be refreshed by dropping all used copies of the item, then duping an unused item again.


CatPiss.png This glitch requires further research to fully understand its mechanics. Some information in this section is currently speculation.

This glitch seems to work because the game loses track of unique item stats when that item is merged into a generic stack of itself. It is unknown under what conditions an item will merge into its original stack, but it seems that hotkeys cause the item to be tied to a generic stack. This glitch should be researched with items repaired past 100 via Armorer to see if other effects can occur.

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