Oblivion:Glitches/Tech: Difference between revisions

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| Misc.
| Misc.
| By yielding to a guard and opening the inventory on the same frame, you can fast travel away to eliminate guard aggro without going to jail or paying the fine despite still having a bounty.
| By yielding to a guard and opening the inventory on the same frame, you can fast travel away to eliminate guard aggro without going to jail or paying the fine despite still having a bounty.
| {{Ob|Perma Enchanting}}
| Misc.
| By unequipping an enchanted item via a scripted event or by duping a copy of the equipped item, the player can keep the enchantment of the item while no longer wearing it.
| {{Ob|Potion Stacking}}
| Misc.
| You can drink more than the intended amount of potions by making potions with specific effects, and by drinking potions in a specific order from the hotkey and inventory screen.
| {{Ob|Infinite Level-Up Glitch}}
| Misc.
| You can force any character to level up by loading a save file while sleeping on another save file that is about to level up.
| {{Ob|Perma Arena Gate Lowering Glitch}}
| Misc.
| You can keep the Arena gate lowered between fights via a very specific set of actions.
| {{Ob|Paint Brush Jar Physics}}
| Misc.
| Paint Brush Jars have no physics limiting their rotation, allowing for infinitely tilting jars.
| {{Ob|Ayleid Crown of Lindai Glitch}}
| Misc.
| The broken Ayleid Crown of Lindai can be infinitely repaired.
| {{Ob|Phantom Quest Items}}
| Misc.
| In situations where your inventory is removed via a script, such as going to jail, hotkeyed quest items can still be used.
| {{Ob|Perma Bound Items}}
| Misc.
| Bound items can be unequipped and dropped, making them permanent items that can be used after the conjuration effect wears off.

Revision as of 02:46, 15 November 2021

Oblivion has a massive amount of glitches and tech that have been discovered over the years, but this information has never been thoroughly cataloged in one place. The goal of this page is to compile technical and historical info for every glitch no matter how insignificant or obsolete it is.

This process involves documenting glitches that are common knowledge, finding old videos/info about long-forgotten glitches, and discovering new glitches.

Glitch Hunting

Full Article: Glitch Hunting

We have an ongoing project to discover new glitches through community collaboration. Theorized glitches and potential leads for solving how to perform those glitches are detailed in the full article. This project additionally explores the full potential of glitches that have already been discovered through proposed experiments to try out.


Glitches fall under several different categories:

  • Duplication: Glitches that result in items being duplicated.
  • Door Warping: Glitches that occur when the player interrupts the process of going through a door, allowing them to input additional actions before finishing going through the door.
  • Global Flag: Glitches that cause an effect that is universal across all save files while only having to activate it on one file.
  • Clipping: Glitches that result in the player moving out of bounds or moving through walls/obstacles.
  • Misc.: Glitches that fall under no clear category. This will be used less frequently as we organize the glitches further.
Glitch Category Description

Arrow Duping

Duplication Items are duplicated by manipulating a stack of arrows.

Scroll Duping

Duplication Items are duplicated by manipulating a stack of scrolls.

Pickpocket Duping

Duplication Zero-weight items are duped by attempting to reverse-pickpocket weighted items onto an NPC.

Skull of Corruption Duping

Duplication Items are duplicated by killing a clone of an NPC using the Skull of Corruption.

Negative Inventory Duping

Duplication NPCs that are programmed to have a negative amount of an item by mistake will generate that item infinitely when pickpocketed.

Stolen Arrow Duping

Duplication A stack of stolen arrows can be duped infinitely by equipping/unequipping it.

Load Warping

Door Warping A different save file is loaded as you go through a door, placing that character on the other side of the door instead of the original one.


Door Warping A different save file of a character sitting down is loaded as you go through a door, placing that character on the other side of the door at the coordinates of the location it was sitting at.

Ragdoll Warping

Door Warping A different save file that is ragdolled is loaded as you go through a door, placing that character on the other side of the door and then immediately moving the player towards the ragdolled coordinates.

Nude Warping

Door Warping An outdoor save file is loaded as you go through a door into a new interior area, making all NPCs in the loaded room have all of their items unequipped in their inventory.

Time Warping

Door Warping A fast travel is executed as you go through a door, advancing time by the calculated fast travel time while still placing the player on the other side of the door.

Perma Key

Global Flag Another save file is loaded before closing the popup confirming a door was opened using a key, resulting in all players on all save files being able to open key doors without needing the key.

Perma Un-Key

Global Flag Another save file is loaded before closing the popup confirming a container was opened using a key, resulting in all players on all save files being unable to open any locked containers even if they have the key.

Orc Drain Attribute Glitch

Global Flag Starting on an Orc save file and then loading a save file of a diseased player results in that player having access to the Drain Attribute effect for spellmaking/enchanting.

Save Clipping

Clipping Loading a save file of a character that was running forward results in clipping through the wall.

Void Warping

Clipping Hitting an invisible plane while falling out of bounds results in the player being teleported back in bounds.

TCL Glitch

Clipping Fainting a horse while trying to mount it results in the player being able to clip through all world objects as if the TCL console command is active.

Matumbro Clipping

Clipping Reloading a save file again after a save clip has failed results in the player loading in out of bounds.


Misc. Delphine Jend has a mysterious glitched item in her inventory.

Floating Paint Brush

Misc. Paint brushes float when dropped and can be used as platforms.

Crack Horse

Misc. A horse that is hit with a Wayshrine buff will always be granted a speed boost regardless of the intended effect. Horses buffed with speed moved extremely fast.

Class Reset

Misc. By load warping past the sewer exit/Baurus during the tutorial, the player can change their class/birthsign/race/gender later, resulting in all skill scaling up based on character level.

Water Levitation

Misc. Exiting water while jumping can cause the player to be stuck in a falling animation while gliding around on land.

Shrine Interruption

Misc. Some Daedric Shrines can be interrupted between making an offering and starting the first cutscene, allowing the player to fast travel away, drop the offered items without losing them, and more.

Boost Jump

Misc. The player can jump significantly higher than intended when jumping off certain surfaces at high speeds.

QSQL De-Aggro

Misc. Quicksaving/quickloading outside of a dungeon has a chance to despawn enemies in the dungeon, allowing you to fast travel away without fighting first.

Yield Glitch

Misc. By yielding to a guard and then exiting the room before they talk to you, you can eliminate guard aggro without going to jail or paying the fine despite still having a bounty.

Instant Yield Glitch

Misc. By yielding to a guard and opening the inventory on the same frame, you can fast travel away to eliminate guard aggro without going to jail or paying the fine despite still having a bounty.

Perma Enchanting

Misc. By unequipping an enchanted item via a scripted event or by duping a copy of the equipped item, the player can keep the enchantment of the item while no longer wearing it.

Potion Stacking

Misc. You can drink more than the intended amount of potions by making potions with specific effects, and by drinking potions in a specific order from the hotkey and inventory screen.

Infinite Level-Up Glitch

Misc. You can force any character to level up by loading a save file while sleeping on another save file that is about to level up.

Perma Arena Gate Lowering Glitch

Misc. You can keep the Arena gate lowered between fights via a very specific set of actions.

Paint Brush Jar Physics

Misc. Paint Brush Jars have no physics limiting their rotation, allowing for infinitely tilting jars.

Ayleid Crown of Lindai Glitch

Misc. The broken Ayleid Crown of Lindai can be infinitely repaired.

Phantom Quest Items

Misc. In situations where your inventory is removed via a script, such as going to jail, hotkeyed quest items can still be used.

Perma Bound Items

Misc. Bound items can be unequipped and dropped, making them permanent items that can be used after the conjuration effect wears off.