
From PRCLive 100% Speedrun Wiki
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Current Best Route

Quest stages are indicated in parentheses at the end of each step when they are updated. Keep in mind that these optimized steps are within the context of the 100% speedrun route, meaning that certain items and setups are sometimes assumed to have already been performed prior to the start of the quest.

  1. Reach level 10 before starting this quest.
  2. Fast travel to Nocturnal Shrine, NE of Leyawiin.
  3. Activate the shrine and wait for the cutscene to end. (20)
  4. Fast travel to Tidewater Cave, which is SE of Leyawiin.
  5. Once inside Tidewater Cave, hug the left wall until you find the Eye of Nocturnal near an underwater chest.
  6. Take the Eye of Nocturnal, and exit the cave. (60)
  7. Fast travel to the Quest Marker to activate the Nocturnal Shrine again. (✔ 100)


Currently there are no known bugs associated with this quest that affect the 100% route.

Route Logic Considerations

  • Since a specific player level is required to start this quest, it is best done after the first instance of Power Leveling in the route logic.
  • Like most Daedric Shrine quests, there are unskippable cutscenes that we need to find a way to avoid.

Script Analysis

No script analysis has been done for this quest.

Quest Stages

Nocturnal (DANocturnal)
Stage Finish setstage Scripts Journal Entry
10 I have found the Shrine to Nocturnal and spoken with her followers. They have agreed to allow me to speak to the Daedra. I may approach the statue. [You must be level 10 to begin this quest.]
20 When summoned, Nocturnal spoke to me of the Eye of Nocturnal, which has been stolen. The Daedra believes the thieves to be in Leyawiin. I am to go there, find the thieves, and return the Eye to the shrine.
30 I have been told that Weebam-Na and Bejeen were recently heard talking about a valuable jewel they had found, and how it would make them wealthy.
35 Weebam-Na is dead, so I can't learn where he has hidden the Eye of Nocturnal... except by searching every dark, wet place in the world.
36 Bejeen is dead, so I can't learn where she has hidden the Eye of Nocturnal... except by searching every dark, wet place in the world.
40 Weebam-Na denies knowing anything about the Eye of Nocturnal, and tells me Bejeen knows nothing, either. Perhaps I should try to listen in on their conversations, and see if they offer any clues.
45 Bejeen denies knowing anything about the Eye of Nocturnal, and tells me Weebam-Na knows nothing, either. Perhaps I should try to listen in on their conversations, and see if they offer any clues.
48 I overheard Bejeen and Weebam-Na talking, but they stopped when they realized I was there. I must eavesdrop on them without being detected.
50 I overheard Bejeen and Weebam-Na speaking of Tidewater Cave, and the treasure they've hidden there. I should investigate the cave.
51 (Weebam-Na and Bejeen started first undetected conversation)
52 (Weebam-Na and Bejeen started second undetected conversation)
53 (Weebam-Na and Bejeen started third undetected conversation)
55 Weebam-Na suspects I have been eavesdropping on his conversations. I must get to Tidewater Cave and look for the Eye of Nocturnal.
60 I've found the Eye of Nocturnal. I should return to the Shrine.
100 Nocturnal was pleased that I have returned the Eye of Nocturnal. I have been rewarded with the Skeleton Key.