Oblivion:The Path of Dawn

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QuestIcon ImperialCity.png

The Path of Dawn (MQ05)

Collect the four Mythic Dawn Commentaries to find out the location of the Mythic Dawn shrine.
Optimization: High
Places: Cloud Ruler Temple, Imperial City
Fame: 1
Visit this UESP article for more general info.

After you have collected all the books, this tomb will reveal the location of the Mythic Dawn shrine.

Current Best Route

Quest stages are indicated in parentheses at the end of each step when they are updated. Keep in mind that these optimized steps are within the context of the 100% speedrun route, meaning that certain items and setups are sometimes assumed to have already been performed prior to the start of the quest.

  1. Follow the Quest Marker to talk to Jauffre. (10)
    Yes, I will join the Blades.
    Amulet of Kings. (20)
  2. Fast travel to the Elven Gardens District and enter Luther Broad's Boarding House.
  3. Kill Astav Wirich, the man in the chair. (32)
  4. Take the book Mythic Dawn Commentaries 1 [Conjuration] off Astav Wirich’s corpse. (35)
  5. Talk to Baurus.
    ↳ Advance predetermined dialogue. All choices are eventually forced. (36)
  6. Fast travel to the Arcane University and enter the main lobby.
  7. Follow the Quest Marker to talk to Tar-Meena to get Mythic Dawn Commentaries 2 [Destruction].
    Mythic Dawn.
    ↳ Advance predetermined dialogue. (40)
  8. Load Warp into the First Edition in the Market District and talk to Phintias.
    Mysterium Xarxes.
    ↳ Advance predetermined dialogue. (50)
  9. Exit the store, wait 1 hour, then enter the store and leave again. Talk to Gwinas, who will spawn right outside the store. He will give you Mythic Dawn Commentaries 3 [Illusion].
    ↳ Select the top dialogue option every time. (70)
  10. Fast travel to the Elven Gardens District.
  11. Enter the sewers from the entrance in the ESE garden area.
  12. Jump through the wall SSW off the top of the stairs to Natural Clip out of bounds, making sure not to land in bounds in the next area.
  13. Turn the sewer wheel that is East from the clipping spot.
  14. Head west to enter the Sunken Sewers door.
  15. Wait 2 hours to spawn Baurus and talk to him.
    ↳ Mythic Dawn meeting. (75)
  16. Go through the door you just came from and talk to Baurus again.
    ↳ Select the top dialogue option every time. (77)
  17. Enter the same door again, and go through the gate and kill Raven Camoran. Kill him and take the Mythic Dawn Commentaries 4 [Mysticism] book off his corpse. (90)
    • If this door does not open, load the PermaKey_Save and do the Perma Key glitch.
  18. Make a save sitting in the chair in the meeting room. This will be called SewerMeeting_Save during Paradise.
  19. Exit the Sunken Sewers and go up the first staircase on your left to enter Fathis Ules’ House. Exit the house through the front door.
  20. Fast travel to the Imperial City Palace and wait until it is between 11:48am and 12:30pm.
  21. SSE from you will be a tomb that lights up red on the outside. Activate the red area. (✔ 100)


Currently there are no known bugs associated with this quest that affect the 100% route.

Route Logic Considerations

  • This is the earliest quest that you can accept Jauffre's invitation to join the Blades, which you need to do in order to reach the max rank of all Factions. If Jauffre dies in a later quest before you join, you will be unable to get 100% completion.
  • The merchant Luther Broad should be invested in while in Luther Broad's Boarding House during this quest.
  • The Buying Game [Mercantile] skill book should be read while in Fathis Ules' House, first shelf on your left upstairs.
  • All four Mythic Dawn Commentaries books are skill books that need to be read.
  • This quest has several shared locations with Garridan's Tears. Both quests go to the Arcane University lobby and then to talk to Phintias, making them overlap easily.
  • A Saddle save is made in the chair during the sewer meeting in order to skip a part of Paradise later.
  • We talk to Tar-Meena directly during Necromancer's Moon, but we have not found a way to overlap these two quests easily.

Script Analysis

No script analysis has been done for this quest.

Quest Stages

The Path of Dawn (MQ05)
Stage Finish setstage Scripts Journal Entry
10 I should speak to Jauffre about how to recover the Amulet from the enemy.
20 Jauffre wants me to contact Baurus at Luther Broad's Boarding House in the Imperial City. The enemy has the Amulet of Kings, and Baurus may have the leads we need to get it back.
25 I must follow the man who is watching Baurus and me.
30 (Triggers Astav Wirich to follow Baurus)
31 (Set when Astav ready to attack Baurus)
32 The enemy agent who attacked Baurus is dead. I should find out what Baurus has learned about our enemies.
34 Baurus wants me to search the dead agent's body.
35 I have found a strange book about the Mythic Dawn cult. I should show this to Baurus.
36 Baurus has learned that the enemy is a secret cult of Mehrunes Dagon worshippers known as the Mythic Dawn. He will continue to track down agents in the Imperial City. I should talk to Tar-Meena at the Arcane University, an expert in daedric cults. She may be able to tell me more about how to find the Mythic Dawn.
40 Tar-Meena told me that Mankar Camoran is the leader of the Mythic Dawn. Tar-Meena believes that the location of their secret shrine is hidden within Mankar Camoran's books about the Mysterium Xarxes. If I want to locate the Mythic Dawn, I must find and decipher the clues in all four volumes.

Tar-Meena gave me the second of Mankar Camoran's books about the Mysterium Xarxes, but said that she has never seen Mankar Camoran's third and fourth books on the Mysterium Xarxes. She suggested that I speak to Phintias, the prioprietor of the First Edition bookstore in the Market District.

44 (Phintias sells player Volume 3)
45 I now have Volume 3 of the four books I need. I should search Gwinas's body for clues to what he wanted with it. (If Gwinas is dead, stage 50 is done, and stage 71 is not done) or

I now have Volume 3 of the four books I need. I now need to meet with the Sponsor to get Volume 4, but I should find Baurus first. (If stage 50 is done and stage 71 is done) or I now have Volume 3 of the four books I need, but I should find out why the bookseller had it. (If stage 50 is not done) or I now have Volume 3 of the four books I need. I should wait for Gwinas to come to the store, and see why he wanted it. (If stage 50 is done, stage 71 is not done, and Gwinas has not visited store) or I now have Volume 3 of the four books I need. I still need to find out what Gwinas wanted with it. (If stage 50 is done, stage 71 is not done, and Gwinas has visited store)

50 Phintias, the bookseller at First Edition, has told me that he has a copy of Volume 3 of Mankar Camoran's "Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes" locked away. He is holding it for a client named Gwinas who has already paid for it. I need to get that book, and find out why Gwinas wanted it. (If Phintias has book) or

Phintias told me he was holding Volume 3 of Mankar Camoran's "Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes" for a client named Gwinas, who has already paid for it. I should wait for Gwinas to come to the store, and see why he wanted it. (If Phintias does not have book)

60 Phintias told me that Gwinas is on his way to pick up his copy of Volume 3. I should wait for him to arrive and find out what Gwinas knows.
62 Gwinas has picked up his copy of Volume 3. I need to get that book from Gwinas
64 I found out that Gwinas is staying at the Tiber Septim Hotel in the Talos Plaza District. I need to find Gwinas and get Volume 3 of Camoran's "Commentaries" from him.
65 I found out that Gwinas is staying at the Tiber Septim Hotel in the Talos Plaza District. I need to find out what Gwinas wanted with Volume 3 of Camoran's "Commentaries".
70 Gwinas told me that Volume 4, the last book I need, can only be given to you by a member of the Mythic Dawn. He had set up a meeting with one, whom he called "The Sponsor". He was to go alone and sit at the table in the Sunken Sewer beneath the Imperial City. I will go and take that meeting instead, but should find Baurus first.
71 I took a note from Gwinas, from someone in the Mythic Dawn calling themselves "The Sponsor". The note explains that Volume 4, one of the books I need, can only be given to you by a member of the Mythic Dawn. He was to go alone and sit at the table in the Sunken Sewer beneath the Imperial City, where The Sponsor would meet him. I will go and take that meeting instead, but must get Volume 3 first. (If stage 45 is not done) or

I took a note from Gwinas, from someone in the Mythic Dawn calling themselves "The Sponsor". The note explains that Volume 4, the last book I need, can only be given to you by a member of the Mythic Dawn. He was to go alone and sit at the table in the Sunken Sewer beneath the Imperial City, where The Sponsor would meet him. I will go and take that meeting instead, but should find Baurus first. (If stage 45 is done)

72 (Triggers Baurus repositioning)
75 I must follow Baurus to the Sunken Sewer beneath the Elven Gardens District and obtain Volume 4 of Mankar Camoran's "Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes". One of us will need to meet "The Sponsor" alone to get the book.
76 (Enables Raven when Baurus reaches sewers)
77 I've decided to be the one to take the book from The Sponsor and Baurus will provide backup. No matter what happens, I must get that book.
78 I've decided Baurus will be the one to take the book from The Sponsor and I will provide backup. No matter what happens, we must get that book.
79 (Raven enters room; Baurus ceases to be essential)
80 (Raven starts talking)
81 The Sponsor has realized that I did not come alone. I must get the fourth book from him! (If stage 77 is done) or

The Sponsor has realized that Baurus did not come alone. I must get the fourth book from him! (If stage 78 is done)

82 The Sponsor wants me dead! I need to get the fourth book of Mankar Camoran's "Commentaries" from him no matter what. (If stage 77 is done) or

The Sponsor wants Baurus dead! I need to get the fourth book of Mankar Camoran's "Commentaries" from him no matter what. (If stage 78 is done)

85 (Triggers fighting)
90 I have the fourth and last volume of Mankar Camoran's writings on the Mysterium Xarxes. I can now piece together the clues within them to find the Mythic Dawn's secret shrine. Maybe Tar-Meena can help.
91 Tar-Meena says that Mankar Camoran hid a message within his writings, so only the "enlightened ones" could join him and the Mythic Dawn. I should study these books some more.
92 Tar-Meena thinks using the first word of each paragraph in the books may reveal a message. I need to keep looking and see where this leads.
93 Tar-Meena has discovered the message in the books: "Green Emperor Way Where Tower Touches Midday Sun". I should go to Green Emperor Way by the Imperial Tower and see what can be found.