Oblivion:The Battle for Castle Kvatch

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The Battle for Castle Kvatch (MS49)

Reach the castle of Kvatch and retrieve the signet ring from the Count.
Optimization: High
Places: Kvatch
Fame: 1
Reward: Kvatch cuirass
Visit this UESP article for more general info.

Take the signet ring from the Count's corpse and give it to Savlian Matius to complete the quest.

Current Best Route

Quest stages are indicated in parentheses at the end of each step when they are updated. Keep in mind that these optimized steps are within the context of the 100% speedrun route, meaning that certain items and setups are sometimes assumed to have already been performed prior to the start of the quest.

  1. After talking to Savlian Matius at the end of Breaking the Siege of Kvatch, he will exit dialogue with you automatically. Talk to him a second time. (10)
    Yes, let’s go. (20)
  2. Exit out the north chapel door, making sure that Savlian properly spawns in the next area.
  3. Kill all enemies in the area and wait near the gate entrance for Savlian to talk to you automatically.
    Castle Gate. (30)
  4. Follow the Quest Marker to talk to Berich Inian.
    Guard House Key.
    Savlian’s orders. No time to explain. (40)
  5. Go back out to the previous area and use Skooma to Save Clip through the corner of the gate.
  6. Enter the trapdoor and wait for the quest to update. (50)
  7. Exit the trapdoor and activate the Gate wheel. (60)
  8. Head NW to make a save outside the entrance to the castle. This will be called Savlian_Save later.
  9. Enter the castle. Head straight NW to the farthest back door of the first zone. Continue to the farthest NW back door of each zone.
  10. Once inside the Count’s Quarters, take the Colovian Signet Ring off the Count’s body. (90)
  11. Quicksave, then load the Savlian_Save and Load Warp the quicksave through the door.
  12. Follow the Quest Marker to talk to Savlian Matius.
    I’m sorry. He didn’t make it.
    Yes, here it is. (✔ 100)


Currently there are no known bugs associated with this quest that affect the 100% route.

Route Logic Considerations

  • The skill book A Dance in Fire, v4 [Acrobatics] is on a table to the right when you first enter the second zone of Kvatch Castle (the Great Hall).
  • This quest should be done directly after Breaking the Siege of Kvatch.
  • The save made outside of Castle Kvatch can be used to Load Warp back later to talk to Savlian Matius during Allies for Bruma.

Script Analysis

No script analysis has been done for this quest.

Quest Stages

The Battle for Castle Kvatch (MS49)
Stage Finish setstage Scripts Journal Entry
10 Savlian Matius has asked me to help with the next phase of the battle for Kvatch. I should speak to him when I'm ready.
20 I need to accompany Savlian Matius to the gates of Castle Kvatch.
30 I need to look for Berich Inian in Kvatch's Chapel, and ask him for a key to the Guard House.
40 Berich Inian has agreed to lead me through Kvatch. I need to follow him through the city to reach the guard house, and gain access to the Castle Gatehouse.
45 Berich Inian has died. I need to get the guard house key off his body and proceed on my own.
50 I've found the tunnel entrance in Kvatch. I need to follow it to the gatehouse, so I can raise the gates and let the guards into the castle courtyard.
60 I've raised the gates into Castle Kvatch. I must now help Savlian and his men defeat the monsters within.
70 I need to follow Savlian Matius into Castle Kvatch, and help find the Count of Kvatch, Ormellius Goldwine.
90 I've found the body of Count Goldwine. I should deliver his signet ring to Savlian Matius.
100 Castle Kvatch is now safely under Savlian Matius' control.
200 Savlian Matius has died. (This Journal Entry is not found in-game and is technically impossible to get because Savlian is marked as Essential and thus cannot die.)